Yoake x Nigara AS gyuto 210mm EN


Yoake (夜明け) means “Dawn.” I chose this theme for my first collection because dawn symbolizes a new beginning, the arrival of a new day. After Joonetsu’s transition to Yuki and the opening of the store, this period is a renewal for me, and I’m very happy to share it with you! The signature colors of this collection will be yellow/gold, orange, white, and purple.

1 in stock

There is something that sets Nigara Hamono apart from other knifemaking families in Japan. First, it could be pointed out that it is the 350 years of history, starting with making swords for the Tsugaru clan in the early Edo period. The passing down of know-how and skills for eight generations has undoubtedly given Nigara knives their cultural DNA, but the long history is not unique to Nigara.

It could be said that having a legendary fifth-generation swordsmith – Japan’s national treasure, Mr. Kunitoshi Nigara (二唐國俊) – gives the family brand an elevated status. The best way to understand why Nigara stands out in the eyes of the current (8th) generation swordsmith – Mr. Tsuyoshi Yoshizawa (吉澤剛). As he stands in the workshop of the family business, with his younger brother and two young craftsmen, feeling inspired to create the most remarkable knives in the world.

The Nigara family has expanded since the days of sword forging – into construction steelworks, steel beam technologies, as well as restorations of historical metal structures. In a word, Nigara is the guru of steel.

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