215,00 €
Yoake (夜明け) means “Dawn.” I chose this theme for my first collection because dawn symbolizes a new beginning, the arrival of a new day. After Joonetsu’s transition to Yuki and the opening of the store, this period is a renewal for me, and I’m very happy to share it with you! The signature colors of this collection will be yellow/gold, orange, white, and purple.
1 in stock
Since its inception in 2013, H&K Co. Ltd. has sought out the best products Japan has to offer. In 2019, we developed our original brand, “Hatsukokoro.” The word “Hatsukokoro” comes from the Japanese proverb “don’t forget your original intention.”
Due to the contracts stipulated between the brand and the blacksmiths, the identity of certain blacksmiths sometimes remains a mystery, which makes things a little more exciting.
Brand: Hatsukokoro
Blacksmith: Muneishi
Series: Kumokage
Steel: Aogami #2 with Damascus soft iron coating
Hardness: 62 +-1 HRC
Type: 150 mm honesuki
Blade length: 15.3 cm
Blade height: 3.95 cm
Thickness at heel: 5 mm
Thickness at tip: 1 mm
Weight: 138 g
Designed entirely by hand, it is part of the Yoake collection, which consists of only 6 pieces. The handle is made of hybrid robinia burl with resin and a red jasper stone spacer.
The Kumokage line is hand-forged by Muneishi Hamono in Tosa, Japan. They specialize in hammer-forged knives using Aogami #2 steel. These knives offer incredible value, easy sharpening, and a beautiful rustic appearance.
The honesuki is a Japanese boning knife. Its thin, beveled tip is ideal for cutting through cartilage and around bones. The high, thick heel allows us to easily cut through cartilage and joints.
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